Monday, October 04, 2010

The Art of Workout

"Every battle is won before it is fought....." -Sun Tzu, The Art of War

So you need to plan, shop, and prepare for the week ahead. You need to have a professionally designed program. You must have a plan. And if you have any tips on being organized for success, let me know.

I started my day in LA at 4:30am. Got to the aiport and treated myself to a 1st class upgrade. So worth it for $350. Got a TON of work done...that will pay for itself.

And when I got home, I stuck to my plan of immediately hitting the gym for the first workout in a new program (so I
trained at about 80% intensity level):

1) Cleans

2A) Trap Bar Deadlifts - 350x5
2B) Bench Press - 225x3x5

3A) DB Rows - 110x3x7
3B) Bodyweight Triceps Extensions - 3x12
3C) Hanging Knee Raises- 3x8

I'm doing a 3-day program. Day 2 will be squat based, and day 3 will be "experiMENTAL" with some random workouts I'm testing. I might throw in a 4th day of experimental training.

Today's resources:

If you are on FB, make sure you "like" Roman Fitness Systems, the interwebz home of John Romaniello

=> Roman Fitness Systems - Advanced "Mature" Fat Loss Content

And then...Make sure you get the free advanced bodyweight TT Gauntlet program here:

=> Get the Free TT Gauntlet Bodyweight Workout

Happy to be back in Toronto,

Craig Ballantyne, CSCS, MS  

PS - Don't quit.

You can do it. I believe in you. Take the mistakes from the past and burn them. Focus only on what you can achieve in the future.

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