Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Meathead Upper Body Workout

Nice, quick, upper body meatheads workout today.

My training

1A) Stickups
1B) Med Ball Throws

2A) Bench Press (235x3x5)
T-bar row (3x12)

3A) Ring Dips (3x8)
3B) Chinups (3x12)
3C) Decline Pushups (3x20)

One more workout then heading to LA for the weekend to hang out with Vince Del Monte, John Romaniello, and Joel Marionz. It will involve a lot of me and Joel and John acting like idiots and Vince shaking his head at us.

Also, today is Transformation Tuesday. Every Tuesday I'll be featuring a new Transformation success story of the week. This week, I want to introduce you to Naomi.

Discover How Naomi Achieved a PRICELESS Transformation Losing Almost 13 Pounds of Fat and Over 5% Body Fat

=> Over 40 Female Transformation Contest Success Story

And today's resource:

Here's the best strategy for using the hottest topic in the dieting world these days

=> Best Strategy for Fasting

And finally, today's kick-butt mindset tip:

Kekich Credo #58. "You are responsible for exactly who, what, and where you are in life. That will be just as true this time next year. Situations aren't important. How you react to them is."

Get strong and stay strong,



  1. Hey Craig, your workout looks fun to me as well. Do you know how heavy the empty T-bar is? I've been trying to calculate it in my training log...

  2. Front squat and deadlift are undoubtedly king! I think I read that the deadlift is the more powerful (ie. uses most muscles and energy) excercise you can do in the gym(?).

    I like doing high rep squats with just body wait for toning e.g. http://bit.ly/dyU4Nb

  3. Just reading the 'meat head' workout makes me want to go to the gym and just lift some metal. Thanks for the great post!

  4. Poul, glad it gets you fired up. Meatheads training is the way to go.
