Sunday, August 29, 2010

The Rest of 2010

September 1st is this week....leaving you with 1/3 of 2010 remaining. LOTS of time to accomplish BIG things. Take time & plan for an amazing "last third of 2010" today.

And there are only 7-days till the 9th Turbulence Training Transformation Contest starts...if you don't already have this sample TT workout & "The Dark Side of Cardio" report, grab it here:

=> Sample Turbulence Training Workout

No training for me today...and a new 4-week training program starts tomorrow.

But I did take an intermediate fitness-level friend through a new Bodyweight 1000 program. To be honest, I didn't love it...I can - and will - improve it and test and retest it before bringing it out in October.

Stay strong,


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