Monday, August 23, 2010

Meathead Workout

Meathead Monday. Gotta love it. But no, that doesn't mean bench press. Although, yes, it did mean an awesome upper body workout. (And it means Monday Night Raw is on, and YES, I still watch a little wrestling. Gotta have some vices, you know.)

My training today:

1A) Military press
1B) Chinups

2A) Decline pushups
2B) DB row

3A) Ring dips
3B) Barbell curls

If you like Meathead training, then you need to grab all five of my Meathead Workouts here for less than the price of a big bucket of protein powder:

=> TT For Meatheads Deal

I love creating these workouts...enjoy!

Resource of the day:

On my Facebook page I ran a contest, with the winner getting one a bucket of Prograde Protein Powder...and folks had to give their favorite protein powder recipe...check out the entries here:

=> Protein Powder Recipe Contest

And today's kick-butt mindset tip:

"Everyone assumes that THEIR excuse (reason) is different and that 'OTHERS' have it easy...truth is - we all have challenges, all have obstacles, all have incredible REASONS to persevere. Do NOT Quit."
Carrie Wilkerson

Stay STRONG and thirsty my friends,


1 comment:

  1. That's a good routine. Seems like a great workout for each muscle of the arm, while also getting shoulders, chest, and back.
