Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Lithuania Bodyweight Workout

Coming at you live from a hotel in Trakai, Lithuania. Today I did some bodyweight exercises, and towel/partner resistance exercises, then ran some sprints.

I did the workout with my friend Simon from www.SovereignMan.com and 30 university kids from Poland, Lithuania, Belarus, and Russia. Then we went swimming in a big lake - man, those kids can swim.

During the day I was teaching them about my business. And I also visited a famous castle in Trakai on Monday when I arrived.

On the flight over I re-read one of my favorite books, "Man's Search for Meaning" and I rediscovered this quote:

"Life ultimately means taking the responsibility to find the right answer to its problems and fulfill the tasks which it constantly sets for each individual."
Victor Frankl


KB Snatch video from Chris Lopez

=> How to do the kettlebell snatch



PS - Here's today's kick-butt mindset tip:

Never, ever, EVER give up!

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