Thursday, July 15, 2010

Workout And Airport Again

Off to the airport and heading to Lake Travis near Austin, TX for a seminar this weekend. Still hoping to do a meathead workout tomorrow. I have one more nutrition myth that I'll be covering in tomorrow's TT email as well...its a controversial one for sure. Check out  for the 4 myths I've covered so far...

=> Fat Loss Nutrition Myths

Today's workout was okay...but should have been better. My back feels awesome, but I should have been week will be a lower intensity training week as I switch programs.

1A) Jumps - At least these were good
1B) Deadlifts

2A) Glute Ham Raise
2B) 1 leg Squat

3A) Shrugs
3B) Stability Ball Plank

One little piece of equipment that is really helping my back and glutes is this thing. I use the lil' mini sucker on my glutes...because foam rolling doesn't cut it


A tennis ball doesn't work and a lacrosse ball is okay, but this is the best I've found.

One more resource for you:

If you don't have this FREE interval training report, grab it here for interval ideas

=> Interval Training Report

‎"Success is the process of elimination. You must eliminate the nonsuccessful behavior in your life in order to make room for the successful behavior."
Larry Winget

So what can you change today?

Change the right things,


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