Saturday, July 10, 2010

Friday Meathead Workout

So I ended up training yesterday with Joel Marion, and we did a great upper body workout: DB chest press, seated row, pushups, lat pulldowns, db incline
(with 4s eccentric), db row, and then incline curls and db ez bar extensions. Very meatheadish.

Today's resources:

1) Rapid fire nutrition QnA session with Isabel De Los Rios (we cover protein, post-workout, wheat, and cheesecake)

=> Nutrition with Isabel De Los Rios

2) Congrats to the Winners of the 5-Week Turbulence Training Transformation Contest...check them out here:


And finally, today's kick-butt mindset tip:

"Everything you do either takes you closer to or further from your goals......even on weekends."

Stay strong,


1 comment:

  1. Craig,

    At least you did some back exercises. A true "meathead" workout would have been just chest and biceps.

    Also...I like the saying on goals.

    Good call,

    -George D
