Monday, July 12, 2010

Back to the Gym

I really wanted to get to the gym on Sunday, but the delayed flight put a stop to that. Maybe for the best to get an extra day of rest.

Went in today and felt great...held back a little, compared to what I used to do, and I left feeling strong and I know my back won't hurt. I feel as good as I've felt in over a year.

My workout today:

1A) 1-leg box jumps
1B) Box squats

2B) Glute-ham raise
2C) Planks

Today's resource:

Kettlebell workouts, 3 minute chinup test, and warning about deadly trans fats - all in this week's TT fat burning coaching call here

=> Kettlebell Exercises & Chinup Tests

And today's tough question for you...

I trust that today you're not going to a job you hate just so you can make money to buy things you don't need or so that you can retire to do nothing all day?

Keep fighting,


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