Saturday, June 19, 2010

Toronto Weekend

This is the first weekend I've spent in Toronto since before I moved, so I'm trying to get all over the city.

Last night, I went to the jays game on a last minute decision with some friends. Sat in the upper, upper deck behind home plate. Surprisingly decent view. Paid 10 bucks to a scalper. Face value on the ticket is $1.23. Seriously!

Right now I'm recovering from 3 hours of dog walks (2x90minutes) over to Riverside park and the beaches...having new favorite blender drink:

"Banana Bread Blender Drink"

- Pecans, blueberries, 1.5 frozen bananas, peanut butter, spinach, almond milk, small amount of sweetened chocolate almond milk.

Speaking of's a video I made over a year interesting little nutrition challenge

=> Diet Depletion Challenge

Plus, here's this week's TT fat loss podcast...A 7-day fat burning call with new exercise ideas for the TT Buff Dudes-Hot Chicks program:

=> Making the best fat loss workout better?

And finally, today's kick-butt mindset tip:

"All talk is just that: talk. All the words written on these pages are just that: words. If you want things to get better, take action. Don't just talk about it. Don't just read and think about it. Do it."
Larry Winget

Stay strong and enjoy the day wherever you are,


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