Saturday, June 12, 2010

Saturday Workout Experiment

I've ordered a bunch of new toys recently, and today I played around with the power wheel and straps (did a lot of rows, pushups, and ab stuff), and then I ran a mile to compare my outdoor time against my treadmill time (15-20% slower outdoors).

Some of the ideas I got while hanging out at The Renegade Gym last week. By the way, here's a complete Jersey Shore Workout rundown from my trip to Jay Ferruggia's gym:

=> Jersey Shore Workout & Nutrition

Check out my friend Kardena's story of how she placed 5th in a bikini contest while using only a vegan diet to get lean - she's the totally hot blonde babe in the photo!

=> Kardena Pauza Bikini Contest

And finally, your wife/husband/boyfriend/girlfriend told me to post this kick-butt mindset quote today:

"Nothing is so fatiguing as the eternal hanging of an uncompleted task."
William James, American Philosopher

Now for some World Cup Action. I'd like to see Les Bleus win, but that won't happen...I'd bet on Argentina. And you? Who do would you like to see and who do you expect to see as the winners? I'll be watching England-USA today.

Have fun this weekend,




  1. Hello from Portugal!
    Craig,i love your workouts...Just wondering if you ever will do some kind of workout to increase sports ability (i play indoor soccer!)


  2. Hi Mary!

    Try this out, "TT for Athletes". Was designed for outdoor soccer player.
