Monday, June 21, 2010

Meathead Monday

My meathead workout today:

Lower body stretching

1A) Stickups
1B) Bench Press

2A) DB Row
2B) Incline Bench Press

3A) BB Row
3B) DB Triceps Extension

I did 2 rowing exercises because pullups are still tough because of the small injury to my left latissimus from last week. One more trip to the chiro for "Active Release" should fix it. For tips on how to recover faster from muscle injuries, check out this article:

=> How to recover faster from injuries

And today's 2nd resource is a very intense workout (featuring a very intense beard)

=> Depletion Workout

Make sure you take a look at those resources, and all the resources I post.

Harness the power of "compound learning". The more you learn and apply now, the easier it will be to maintain your weight and body fat for the rest of your life.

Learn something new everyday,

Craig Ballantyne

1 comment:

  1. The beard really doesn't fit into what we normally see for the gym. I like how he's blending some yoga in. Strong AND Flexible..
