Tuesday, June 01, 2010

Deadlifts, bikinis, and intervals

I spent all day yesterday on airplanes and in airports on my way home from San Diego. Great trip though. San Diego is a beautiful town and might have been the friendliest city I've ever visited. Great people!

Back to the gym today with this workout:

1A) Deadlifts
1B) Depth Jumps

2A) Barbell Split Squats
2B) Glute Ham Raise

3A) Power Shrug
3B) Stability Ball Plank

And some great resources for you today:

1) Ladies - a complete guide to getting your bikini body, including the top 10 tips you must follow (awesome content)

=> Holly Rigsby's Bikini Transformation Tips

2) Tom Venuto on the intervals vs cardio debate:

=> Interval Training & Cardio for Fat Loss

Plus, the kick-butt mindset tip of the day:

"Feeling sorry for yourself, and your present condition, is not only a waste of energy but the worst habit you could possibly have."
Dale Carnegie

Stay strong,



  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. "I spent all day yesterday on airplanes and in airports on my way home from San Diego. Great trip though. San Diego is a beautiful town and might have been the friendliest city I've ever visited. Great people!"

    Lindbergh field is pretty mellow...SFO, LAX is simply crazy!

    I would have to agree...probably the friendliest and most laid back state (outside of Hawaii) I'd like to believe.

  3. But SD...oh yeah...we are some great people! come by again! :D
