Friday, June 25, 2010

Blast Straps, TRX, & Power Wheel

I have two days off coming up, since I'm going to Vince Del Monte's wedding in Niagara Falls. All the cool fitness kids will be there, including Joel Marion, John Romaniello, Isabel De Los Rios, Adam Steer, and lil' ol me.

So today I did the "Football Field 444" turned out 10x's funner (yes, "funner") that I had hoped. Probably the best outdoor challenge workout I've written. It willl be available in july. now its time to celebrate "the summer of fruit" with more fruit. strawberries, pineapple, and blueberries.

Today's kick-butt mindset question & tip:

"What do you want in life and what are you doing NOT to get it? Are you your own worst enemy? "
Nido Qubein

So spend some time today or this weekend and make a list of your actions that are getting in your way of success. Identify them and come up with a plan to stop those actions and implement the right action that will get you what you want AND deserve in life.

Time to shine up the dancing shoes for Saturday night,



  1. Good work Craig! I'm a personal trainer in CT and sometimes I find I need to get out of the gym and be outside for a while. Your advice at the end is excellent! Be more proactive and stop waiting for life to change, make the change yourself! Thanks for the great insight! Feel free to visit our website anytime for inspiration at Thanks again!

  2. Hi Craig,
    Enjoy the wedding and do some dancing for me. I will wave to you from Chippawa (south Niagara Falls).

  3. Anonymous6:48 AM

    So,I went to a get my check-up at the Dr's office and it is official.I've lost 22lbs following Craig's diet and TT advice! My Dr even asked me what i've been doing to get into such good shape.I wrote down this web address and said for him to check it out.

  4. Anonymous6:50 AM

    Better yet,he asked if i was working out 5-6 days a week.Told him straight up,no,more like 3-4 days a week no more than 45 min.

  5. Anonymous - Congrats!

    Andrew - We had a great time. Beautiful area down there.
