Sunday, May 23, 2010

Take Action & Never Give Up

Somewhere out there is a person with the same goals as you, but with 10 times as many obstacles in their way...but despite all those obstacles, that person is still out there moving closer to their goals and has decided to never give in.

If they can do it, why can't you?

Listen, the truth is that EVERYONE has a "good enough excuse" to quit. You. Me. We all have "good enough" reasons to give up.

But everyone - including you and me - also has access to ALL of the tools they need to succeed. So it really comes down to OUR CHOICE. Are WE going to TAKE ACTION and succeed or will we let our excuses win - again?

There are far too many success stories out there of people just like you for you to say that you can't do it. There is simply just too much proof that EVERYONE, yes EVERYONE, can succeed. So never, ever, ever give up hope.

Listen, I know you're busy...and I understand that things might even be tough these that's why I've made it as easy as possible for you to get started in TT Contest. Plus, I've added new contest categories and even a 5-week Mini-Contest if you just want to fast track your results for an early summer event.

There's no fee to enter...all you have to do is take your before photo and start using a Turbulence Training workout today. There are plenty of TT workouts on Youtube and my blog.

Now, as I mentioned, to give you extra incentive to join the contest, I've added 2 NEW categories and a 5-week Mini Contest. Let me explain the BONUS 5-Week Mini-Contest first.

The 5-week, pre-summer Mini-Contest runs until July 2nd, 2010. All entries into the 5-week mini contest must be submitted before midnight, EST, on July 2nd, 2010 and the last day to enter the 5-week Mini-Transformation is Friday, May 28th, 2010. You can get all of the rules here:


I've also added new categories to the 12-Week Transformation Contest so we'll now have four categories:

1) Men Under 40
2) Men Over 40
3) Women Under 40
4) Women Over 40

And each category will reward the following prizes:

1st Place Grand Prize - $1000 plus a 3-Year Platinum TT Membership
2nd Place - $500 plus a 2-Year Platinum TT Membership
3rd Place - $250 plus a 1-Year Platinum TT Membership

And even if you struggling with a slow climb up the fat loss mountain, just KNOW that you're going to make it and it will ALL be worth it.

And you can always take pride in knowing that you'll always be better off than those who chose to never climb at all. So Test yourself. Push your limits. Reach for your peak potential.

"Don't join an easy crowd; you won't grow. Go where the expectations and the demands to perform are high." - Jim Rohn

Looking forward to your success,

Craig Ballantyne, CSCS, MS
Creator, Turbulence Training Transformation Contest

PS - Please read this powerful quote that I stumbled across recently...

"Work with what comes your way. Things turn out the best for the people who make the best out of the way things turn out." - Art Linkletter

I love this guy...he's 97 years old and still bringing value to the world. Makes me imagine where I'll be in 62 years and how many folks that will have entered the TT Transformation Contests. It's going to be a heck of a ride, and I hope that you'll join me. This is going to be awesome.

Have a great day!

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