Monday, May 03, 2010

Monday = Bench

Yeah, I did bench press on a Monday...I'm a meathead. But I did train deadlifts yesterday, so that evens it out...still a proud meathead though.

Today's workout for me:

Bench Press, Seated Row, DB Incline, Chinup, Cable External Rotations. 40 minutes in and out.

Today's Breakfast blender drink:

1 banana, raspberries, blueberries, spinach (all frozen), almond butter, cacao nibs, flax meal, sunflower seeds, almond milk. Had that with a toasted macadamia nut butter sandwich. The cacao nibs always give a little caffeine kick.

Now for today's kick-butt mindset tips...and we have help you kick off your Transformation:

1) "You don't have to be good to start, but you do have to start to be good." - Larry Winget

2) "The time for action is now. It's never too late to do something." - Carl Sandburg

3) There is nothing so wrong with you that you can't transform and succeed and make amazing changes in your life. "Woe is me" is out. "Yes is me" is in. - Me.

And yes, this week marks the beginning of the 8th Turbulence Training Transformation Contest. TAKE ACTION today.

Here are the rules =>

Time to be stronger than ever,


PS - Also used one of my favorite charity sites last night...

...and reloaned another $25

Check it out if you like to support small businesses around the world - you can even help businesses in North America if you want to keep your money close to home. Reward these action takers!

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