Wednesday, May 05, 2010

April 2010 TT Success Stories of the Month

Two fast-starters this month! Amazing results in just 21-22 days. Check these out...

"I started TT on the 4th of this month (April 2010) and have lost 12 pounds in 22 days (from 249lbs to 237lbs.)! One of the best things, second only to the fat loss, is that I'm spending less time working out than I ever have in my life. And, while I've lost fat, I haven't lost an ounce of muscle!

The methods used in the TT program have worked better than any "traditional" methods I've used. I also enjoy the wealth of information on the TT member's

I have been exposed to some great nutritional information that has changed my views on overall nutrition and, I believe, has added to the results I've been getting from TT alone. Thanks Craig. You've set me up for a life full of great exercise, nutrition, and more free time!"
Jerylme R.

That wins a 1-year platinum TT membership!


"Dear Craig, I am so happy that I found your site with all the great Turbulence training exercises!!!

My Daughter is getting married in the Caribbean is 7 weeks now.  I have been struggling to lose my last twenty pounds of weight loss to get bikini ready for the trip and being around all these friends and family for the wedding.  

I started your program of  fat loss foods and exercising with the Intermediate turbulence training workout and already I have lost 14 pounds in three weeks time!!!

Everyone at work has been asking what I am doing because I look so great, so I have shared your website with them and three of my employees have also
started your program. The great thing about it is that I also feel so much more energized and I am not hungry, I am very satisfied and definitely will keep this up as my new way of life.  

I also have the goal that in 4 months I turn 50 and I want to look better than the day I got married when I was 19!! Keep the workouts coming! Thanks for making it a cinch."
Lisa R

Another TT Platinum Membership winner.


If you have your own personal success story, please send them to:

Support at

Looking forward to hearing from you!

Craig Ballantyne, CSCS, MS

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