Tuesday, May 11, 2010

3 meals and snacks for today

Well my big move from the west side of Toronto to the east side went really smooth.

We had everything loaded up by 10:30, off the truck by 12:30, and practically had the new place set up by 3:30. Record time.

And by some miracle, the cable and internet were still working from the previous tenant...so I was able to get right back to working on some new TT projects.

Also, thanks to my simple nutrition system, I was able to stick to my eating program easily. In the morning, I started with a blender drink of:

2 bananas, 1/2 cup raspberries, 1/2 cup blueberries, 1 tablespoon almond butter, 1 cup spinach (you can't taste it, trust me), 2 tbspn hemp seeds, and almond milk. I also had an apple.

After that I went a long time without a big meal, just snacking on almonds and bananas while I finished the move and setup. But once I was done I made a big boy salad:

1 can black beans, 2 cups spinach, broccoli, red pepper, 1/2 avocado, red onion, and my weird salad dressing - salsa.

After Bally got home from dog camp he and I went for a big walk around the neighborhood...plenty of new smells for him...so we didn't get far even though we were out for an hour.

Finally, for dinner I made a big batch of quinoa and mixed it up with more vegetables and avocado. So simple, yet really, really good. And I finished off the night watching some hockey while eating sunflower seeds, a banana, and some natural peanut butter.

To be honest, I need to eat MORE food than I did today, but the move put me off schedule a little bit. I promise I'll make up for it on Wednesday and Thursday - and this weekend.

However, most people trying to lose fat would have a tough time eating all that real food, and so that's why you don't have to obsess over calories when you're not eating junk from a bag or a box.

Now listen, not everyone has to go vegetarian or vegan...I even ate a burger for Mother's Day dinner because my mom wanted to have a BBQ.

But I do know that EVERYONE - even you - will benefit from eating more fruits and vegetables and less processed, factory farmed meat.

You'll lose fat faster, you'll be healthier, and you'll even have more energy. Plus, it's research proven that you'll protect yourself from the "Big C" if you eat more F&V and less junk meat.

I just want to see you happier, healthier, leaner, and lighter.

And if you're interested in learning more about vegetarian eating, I'm celebrating my 35th birthday month by getting Kardena Pauza to give her Easy Veggie Meal Plans away for only 35 bucks. That's over 35% off the normal price, and we even threw in a new bonus this week.

Click here to find out more about vegetarian eating for fat loss:

=> http://www.EasyVeggieMealPlans.com

Now that I'm all moved in, I'm ready to get back in the gym on Wednesday for Front Squats, Reverse Lunges, and more.

Have a great workout today,

Craig Ballantyne, CSCS, MS
Author, The Lazy Man's Guide to Vegetarian Eating

PS - Remember...

...One bad meal, one bad night, one bad day - even one bad week - doesn't ruin everything you've worked so hard for...so never give up. And don't let anyone deter you or get in your way of doing the things that will get you closer to your goals.

Stay strong!


  1. Love the floors and nice high ceilings.

  2. Great looking place man. Love the open layout.
    Really cool you were able to still fit good healthy food into that hectic schedule too.

  3. Anonymous10:07 AM

    Wow, now that's an urban/industrial style loft! I like the HUGE monitor, too! Good luck, Craig.
