Thursday, April 01, 2010

Crazy Train-ing

Crazy week around here...First Vegas, then the GQ magazine incident, interviews with John Romaniello, Vince Del Monte, and Dr. Chris Mohr, and I sold my house yesterday.

By the way, here's the link to Vinny D's call:

=> Vince Del Monte Interview

Also interviewed Dr. Chris Mohr this morning, and we had a lively call about post-workout nutrition, the truth about milk, Vitamin D, fish oil, and REAL
WORLD fat loss. That call is now available to TT Members.

But the crazies "event" of the week might have been something I watched at the gym today...

A poor girl at the gym today was doing "jump training" by lining up 6 BOSU thingys and jumping (more like mini hopping) from one to the next. And she had them set up on a slippery aerobics studio floor, so they kept sliding out from under her.

Listen, whoever is teaching this stuff needs to stop now. Its stupid, dangerous, and a waste of time. And this is NOT an April Fool's joke...but I kept looking for hidden cameras because it was hard to believe someone thought this was a good idea...

1A) Pistol
1B) Stability Ball Plank  

2A) BGSS 1&1/2 reps
2B) 1-Leg RDL

3A) Stability Ball Rollout
3B) Stability Ball Leg Curl

That's it ... crazy week is over.

Have a great long weekend,


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