Thursday, March 25, 2010

Vegas Workout

Had a great workout today at the Monte Carlo...its the best hotel gym I've used in Vegas. The rankings go like this...

1) Monte Carlo
2) Luxor
3) MGM
4) Planet Hollywood
5) Mandalay Bay

Those are the ones I've used.

But the Vegas trip didn't start out so hot...I developed a soul-crushing headache on the flight out here. Fortunately a nap fixed me up.

(BTW, if you're a reader, I got through George Foreman's "Knockout Entrepreneur" on the flight, and it was really good. Some big lessons there. And earlier this week I read the "Thrive Diet" by Brendan was full of new info (to me) on nutrition and vegetarian eating. I expected another run-of-the-mill veggie book, but this one delivered a lot more in depth info.)

But back to Vegas...after my nap, I had a garden salad and roasted vegetable sandwich and was ready to hit the gym. Here's the workout:

1A) 1-leg Hop (3x5)
1B) Prone Stick-up (3x10)

2A) Handstand Pushup (3x4) - Don't tell management I put my feet on the walls
2B) 1-Leg DL (3x12)

3A) 1-Leg Stability Ball Leg Curl (3x12)
3B) Sternum Pullup (3x8)

4A) 1-Leg Bench Squat (3x10)
4B) Side Plank with Leg Raise (3x12)
4C) SB JK (3x20)

I added an extended warm-up and that workout lasted 55 minutes. Long time for bodyweight, huh?

After I went for a walk around the new City Center...very interesting...the new sidewalk along the strip has lots of stairs (and no escalotors) was funny to hear all the tourists complaining.

So that's it so far...I really hope to hit a classic bodybuilding meathead workout with Vince Del Monte this weekend - maybe early tomorrow morning.

It will be hardcore, just like the TT Gauntlet workout you can get on the TT Facebook page here:


Until then, feel free to let me know your favorite Vegas hotels, restaurants, and activities.

Stay strong,


PS - Got to leave you with today's kick-butt mindset tip:

"There will be days when you struggle to exercise and stick to your nutrition program, and that is okay. Just never give up. Realize everyone else goes through this, and not quitting is what separates the winners from the losers."

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