Tuesday, March 02, 2010

TT for Abs DVDs


The TT for Abs DVDs are done...and you can get this 19 DVD set here

=> http://www.TTforAbsDVDs.com <=== I made this for you

There's a payment plan set up if you need it and it's free shipping...ANYWHERE in the world. My gift to you.

Time to workout with you,

Craig Ballantyne, CSCS, MS
Creator, TT for Abs DVDs

PS - Make sure you save over $100 before Wednesday night...

...by grabbing your copy of the TT for Abs DVDs here:

=> http://www.TTforAbsDVDs.com <=== I made this for you

Talk to you on the call.

PPS - Bally the Dog co-stars in the Simple Nutrition DVD.

You'll get to see him eat all of my food.

Oh, and there's a goofy blender blooper in that DVD too.



  1. Anonymous12:31 PM


    Will you sell the nutritional dvd separately? Even at some point? I cannot afford the abs program (Which I don't care for personally) but would LOVE your nutritional DVDs as I LOVE your style and philosophy of nutrition the most of anybodies I read.


  2. Anonymous4:42 PM

    Do you ship to Europe to ? How much will be the shipping for this training dvd to Romania?

  3. 1) I don't know if I'll be selling the DVDs individually, sorry.

    2) Shipping is free until Wednesday night.

  4. mortimer4655@rogers.com1:45 PM

    I am hoping you ship these from Canada since you are Canandian so there will not be duty. Could you please let me know mortimer4655@rogers.com
