Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Quick Upper Body Workout

Not much to say today...quick upper body workout (35 minutes) and then back to work getting ready for a TT Abs coaching call tonight.

Started with a long warm-up.

1A) Bench (5x5)
1B) External Rotations (3x10)

2A) Overhead Squat (3x3)
2B) Wide Grip Seated Row (3x12)

3A) Close-Grip Pushups (100)
3B) DB Curls (4x8)

And today's resource...

Part 1 of a 3 part interview with Brad Pilon on the truth about fat loss diets

=> Making Fat Loss Nutrition Simple

Going to try the TT Abs Gauntlet again tomorrow,


PS - If you're not on the TT Fanpage...

...you missed a great QnA today.

=> Click here to become a TT Fan and get access to the QnA's

Plus, only TT Fans will get the "TT Gauntlet" for free.


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