Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Pre-Vegas Meathead Workout

Very Meathead-ish workout today...got some big news coming in the TT world...some nice surprises...

Anyways, this was the last weights workout before heading out to Las Vegas on Thursday morning to hang out with 29 fitness experts, including Vinny D,
Dr. Sam, and Bedros. Should be good times.

1) Hang Clean (3x3)

2) Med Bench (3x3, 1x8)

3A) DB Row (1x12) - forearm got a little tight on this (b/c of the cleans) so I switched to DB Rear Deltoid Raises
3B) DB Inc (2x8-12)

4A) DB Rear Delt Raises (3x8)
4B) DB Triceps (3x8)

Also, used a great tip from Jay Ferruggia to get a better warm-up for the heavy benches...secret is in the interview here:

=> Jay Ferruggia Interview

Today's experimental blender drink turned out surprisingly well...Ingredients: 1 banana, blackberries, lots of raspberries, 2 kale leaves, spinach, chocolate vegetarian protein powder, almond milk, flax oil, and natural peanut butter. You can't notice the flax oil, spinach, or kale. And the combo of raspberries, banana, chocolate & natural PB worked great.

Today's kick-butt mindset tip:

"Don't be afraid of making mistakes. Become an expert at learning from them."
- Larry Winget

......CB says, "You can't quit just because one thing didn't work. You have to keep trying, experimenting, and learning until you find the solution."

Keep fighting,


PS - Last thing...

The link to get your FREE TT Gauntlet program is now available on the TT fanpage here:

=> Click here to find the link for the TT Gauntlet Workout

(The only way you can get this workout is through the TT Facebook Fanpage.)

1 comment:

  1. makes me wonder, if using kale leaves, spinach - is it kinda leafy and difficult to blend??? i always blanch (put a few mins in hot water) the spinach before using it (blending) with anything - eg for rice spinach.
