Tuesday, March 30, 2010

If you have back pain...

I haven't told a lot of people about this because I'm kind of embarrassed, but last summer (in July of 2009) I suffered from a bout of debilitating back pain.

I literally couldn't run more than 20 meters without a shooting pain in my right low back.

What happened?

Well, about 2 months prior to that I jumped off a 12-foot ledge wearing heavy work boots and landed on a concrete surface (long story) and I believe this was the root cause.

However, I had also been a little careless with my training and neglected my stretching program and my abdominal endurance exercises (including the planks and side planks) early last year.

So my chiropractor - a life saver named Dr. Michael Sommers here in Toronto - diagnosed me as having an irritated sacro-iliac joint and helped me overcome the pain with ART (Active Release Technique).

Plus, I dedicated myself to stretching 2-3 times per day - doing all of the stretches you'll find at the end of every TT manual.

Within a couple of weeks I was able to run, and I've continued that stretching program every day since.

In fact, I just got in from a sprinting session a couple of hours ago, and my vertical jump is as high as it has ever been (although both my squat and deadlift are still 50-60 pounds off from my best).

But most importantly, I feel awesome. Better than ever because I now know what it's like to be sidelined by back pain.

Having low back pain can make your feel like you're in a prison of your own body...unable to do normal daily activities that you take for granted when you are healthy...but now I'm "free" again. And I'm not about to be careless again.

If you are suffering from back pain caused by poor flexibility or bad exercise form, then I have good news for you.

My friend Eric Wong - another young guy like me who had to overcome back pain (although his was much more serious) has put together a free report for you about overcoming back pain here:

==> www.BulletproofBack.com

(Don't ask me what a bullet proof back is.)

Here's what you'll discover once you get this FREE report:

1) The 1 real cause of back pain (it's so simple, you'll be shocked that you've never heard it before!)

2) The absolute WORST thing you can do when you throw your back out

3) The 2 critical factors you must address to reduce back pain

It's the complete blueprint you need to 'bulletproof' your back so you never suffer from back pain again.
Wishing you a safe and speedy recovery from back pain,

Craig Ballantyne, CSCS, MS
Author, Turbulence Training

PS - Back pain affects 80% of the adult population...

...so please forward that website to anyone you know who suffers from back pain.

NOTE: However, the first thing you should do if you have back pain is to see your doctor. Please take your back pain seriously and don't be like my dad who went 25 years between doctor's visits! Go see your doctor today if you have back pain that won't go away.


  1. Anonymous4:46 PM

    First of all love your blog.
    As a longtime Howard Stern listener, he has been talking about Dr John Sarnow for year. Sarnow's book, Healing Back Pain, talks about the mind/body connection with back pain.

    Stern claims he "cured" his OCD with Sarnow's book.


  2. Anonymous8:13 AM

    i visited your site n was good enough then othere site that i visited last month

    work and study

  3. Hello,
    Nice to read your blog.
    In my experienced as a physiotherapist I have many patient with back pain. I'm agree with you that we have be serious with low back pain. We have to treat it soon.

    Btw, succes to your blog.
