Monday, March 29, 2010

Deadlift Workout & Cosgrove Inspiration

"The most important part is goal setting. You need to really want amazing results and be prepared to do whatever it takes. It's not that hard to get the results -- it's building that overwhelming desire that counts. Most people think -- "Well - this cake won't hurt me will it?" I get my clients to think, "Will this help me or not? Is this a positive step or not?" Once you get that -- you're a hit."
Alwyn Cosgrove

Today's workout:

1) Repeated Jumps (4x4) --- best jumps in months

2) Deadlift (3x325)

3A) GM (2x10)
3B) BB Shrug (2x12)

4A) BB Lunge (2x8)
4B) Cable Abs

That's it. Make sure you check out Jay Ferruggia's new program. As Jay says, "I took it upon myself to create the ultimate system that would help Average Joe's and weekend warriors get a little bit closer to looking and performing like Reggie Bush or Georges St. Pierre. I know how to help skinny guys get jacked. That's old hat to me. I can do it in my sleep. As long as someone listens and does what I say they will pack on size. But Triple Threat Muscle is a little different. Not only is the program focused on size gains, but also the development of explosive power and unrelenting endurance. So you get the jacked, muscular physique and the athleticism to go with it."

More info here:


Get strong,

Craig Ballantyne

PS - Funny story about the TT Gauntlet workout...

...has been posted on my other blog:

=> The Gauntlet Bodyweight Exercise Workout


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