Friday, March 05, 2010

Bodyweight Workout

Good bodyweight workout doesn't look like much, but it was.

1A) Tuck Jump (3x6)
1B) Pushup (3xMax)
1C) Pullup (3xMax)

2A) Elevated Pushup (2x20)
2B) Inverted Row (3x15)

Followed by a bunch of conditioning exercises...playing around with some new stuff for future TT workouts.

That's it, have a great weekend.

I'm going to do a regular squat workout on Saturday and then play around with kettlebells on Sunday - or vice versa, not sure. Or maybe both on Saturday and then take Sunday off.

But I'm planning to get back into Kettlebells this summer...might even try a workout outside this weekend. (It's supposed to be 9 degrees celcius, 50 degrees Farenheit - that's warm enough in my opinion.)

Stay strong,

Craig Ballantyne, CSCS, MS
Author, TT Bootcamps  

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like a killer workout today Craig. What kind of stretching do you do before and after your workouts? (Dymanic or static)
