Saturday, March 13, 2010

3 out of 10 Interval Training Workouts

This week on the Turbulence Training Facebook Fanpage, we had a big discussion on interval training...
...I've put together your 10 favorite interval training workouts in this week's 7-day fat loss guide on the blog.
Here are just a few to get you started:
  1. 20-yard shuttles... throw five of them back-to-back for 100 yard total.
  2. 30 on 30 off doing kettlebell swings, and tabata training for 4 minute rounds with the kettlebell or any other chosen exercise
  3. Burpee pyramid
You'll also discover...
- Exercise substitutions for the deadlift
- The one universal law about your actions
- My own recent interval training workouts
- The truth about measuring body fat at home
- A kettlebell workout I did last week
- The one thing 75% of people regret in life
- 1 new food in my diet
=> Click here to get this week's 7-day fat loss guide
Big news coming on Tuesday! Stay tuned...
Your friend,

Craig Ballantyne, CSCS, MS
Author, Simple Nutrition
PS - Don't forget to join me on the Turbulence Training Facebook Fanpage...
...because I've reached my 5000 person friend limit, so I want everyone to join the TT Fanpage where I'll be doing Q'n'A sessions everyday, plus giving out bonus workouts and nutrition guides.
See you there...and watch out for the random Q'n'A sessions!

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