Wednesday, March 17, 2010

3 Mini-Circuit Bootcamp Workouts

Yesterday's bootcamp workout article was a hit...thanks so much for the emails and comments on the blog about the workout.

All those positive vibes combined with yesterday's beautiful weather here AND an amazing workout (I did my new "TT Abs Gauntlet" program, coming soon to my Facebook Fanpage - more info on that soon), have put me in an awesome mood.

And so I wanted to share three more circuits handpicked as some of the top workout highlights from the TT Bootcamps 2.0 program.

Just check out these circuits, but note, they are pretty tough and require a warm-up - just like all other TT Workouts.

These are so much fun...let me know what you think - but train safe!

#1) From: TT Bootcamp Workout #27 - TT Transformation Bootcamp

This is just one phase of the workout and it includes the increasingly popular type of training known as Metabolic Resistance Circuits...

TT Metabolic Resistance Circuit (30 seconds per exercise)  
- Bulgarian Split Squat or Split Squat 1 &½ Reps (30 seconds per side)
- Close-Grip Pushup ¾ Reps
- DB Row or Inverted Row
- 1-Leg Hip Extension or Prisoner Forward Lunge (30 seconds per side)
- Stability Ball Rollout or Inchworm
- Rest 2 minutes before repeating 1 more time.

#2) From: TT Bootcamp Workout #22 - TT Beach Body Bootcamp: Part 3

TT Total Body Abs Circuit (30 seconds per exercise)
- Stability Ball Rollout or Inchworm
- Cross-Body Mountain Climber
- Side Plank (30 seconds per side)
- Burpee
- Rest 1 minute before repeating 1 more time.

#3) From: TT Bootcamp Workout #17 - TT Adrenaline Bootcamp 3 - ADVANCED Workout

TT Adrenaline Abs Circuit (30 seconds per exercise)
- Stability Ball Leg Curl or Prisoner Forward Lunge
- Stability Ball Jackknife or Mountain Climber
- Get-up (30 seconds per side)
- Cross-Body Mountain Climber
- Shuttle Sprint
- Rest 2 minutes before repeating 1 more time.


Cool, huh?

And if you want the rest of those 3 workouts, they are all available along with 31 brand new TT Bootcamps workouts here:

=> 31 Brand New TT Bootcamps Workouts

But hurry, today is the last day that you'll be able to save $20 on the 31 brand new TT Bootcamps 2.0 workouts.

The price jumps up 20 bucks (yikes!) at midnight! So don't miss out.

To your success,

Craig Ballantyne, CSCS, MS
Author, TT Bootcamps

PS - Here's that link again... get these new fat burning workouts:


Enjoy your weekend!

It's supposed to stay warm, but rainy up here, but that's okay, because Bally the Dog loves the springtime and running around in the rain. He might need to get a bath this weekend, we'll see...

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for your information. These are very helpful workouts! Lose Belly Fat
