Sunday, February 21, 2010

Miami Road Trip

Just got back home in Toronto. It's nice here. I like it. Looking forward to a great week of workouts, some Olympics action, and hanging out with some ol' buddies.

And I just spent a great weekend in Miami with some fitness folks at a seminar - debating muscle building strategies, fat loss workouts, and bootcamp ideas. Very interesting...

While I was there I hit South Beach a couple of times with Vince Del Monte...he had all the hookups at the stores...the guy is a Miami legend. And then on Saturday a bunch of us had a very interesting time in Miami...we sat right next to Jay Z and Beyonce at a nightclub called Liv...thanks again to Vinny D for getting us into the party...that guy is connected.

On the way home, I watched with amusement the choices people made in the food court.
I just can't understand why a grown woman would order a hot dog at an airport food court. Of all things? Seriously, a hot dog?

You can eat decent at an airport. I had a garden salad (it had some cheese on it), an apple, a banana, almonds, and coconut water (just trying it out).
There's just no excuse to eat junk at an airport. So no more aiport hot dogs!

And as for the excuse about it being cheap...remember - it was in an airport...nothing is cheap in an airport. it was at least $ fruit was a LOT cheaper. Healthy food is not a luxury good.

Today's resource:

A blog post on the truth about diets & calorie counting PLUS the Winter Olympics bootcamp workout


Have a great week,

Craig Ballantyne, CSCS, MS

PS - Set your workouts and meals this week as appointments... commitments that can not be broken under ANY circumstance. Respect the commitment you made with yourself. This will help you start the week STRONG! Keep up the great work.

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