Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Facebook Q'n'A & Workout

I've decided to do some "rapid fire" Facebook Q'n'A sessions each day...

Highlights from today's Facebook Q'n'A:

Do you have any suggestions for losing belly fat, upper thigh and inner thigh fat? I guess the typical womans complaint! That would be my problem area. Also, whats your take on protein powders?

The Turbulence Training program - especially interval training - and good nutrition will help you get rid of your belly fat and thigh fat. Plus, you need to eat more fruits and vegetables and cut back on the alcohol as much as possible.

You probably don't need the protein powders, but as long as they don't cause you to take in too many calories, they won't hurt either.

Make sure you join my Facebook Fat Loss page to be a part of the Q'n'A and also to get butt-kicking tips like this:

"Treat your fat loss program like a science experiment. Record your food and exercise to identify what works best. Self-monitor your body to know more about it and your individual response to diet and workouts. Educate yourself aboot different diets and programs."


1A) Cable External Rotation
1B) Power clean

2A) bench
2B) db row

3A) db steep incline
3B) pullup

4A) EZ bar triceps
4B) curls

Then some ART at the chiropractor's, and then a long dog walk. Now to finish up the detox article for tomorrow's Turbulence Training newsletter.

Now for...

Today's Resources:

New metabolic resistance circuit just added to TT Fanpage:

=> Click here for the Metabolic Resistance Circuit

And last thing...if you like hardcore bodyweight workouts, check out:


Stay strong,

Craig Ballantyne

PS - See you on Facebook tomorrow. 

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