Wednesday, February 03, 2010

Deadlift Workout & Supplement Q'n'A

Good 30-minute workout today:

1) Jumps

2) Satch-grip deadlifts

3) Rack pulls

4) DB shrugs

5A) Back extensions
5B) Side planks

Doing a private webinar tonight on my "15 Nutrition Rules" and if all goes well, I'll arrange for a replay of this webinar in
the next couple of weeks.

Heading to Miami tomorrow for the SuperBowl.


Supplement Question posted on my Facebook page: Craig what do you think about pre workout drinks that help with N.O and glutamine and all of that stuff?



Today's blender drink:

1 banana, blueberries, raspberries, blackberries, spinach, almond milk, peanut butter, sun warrior protein powder, flax meal.

Also, just posted the new 7-day fat loss guide called "The 7 Word Diet".

=> Seven Word Diet

And finally, today's kick butt motivation:

Kekich Credo #87 - The key to success is adding value to other people's lives.

For FAT LOSS: If you want to lose weight, help someone else lose weight. If you give them social support, find them healthy eating options, and stay active with your friends, then you will lose weight as a result.

Plus, research shows if you exercise with someone who loses weight, you have a greater chance of losing weight as well.

Stay strong,


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