Thursday, February 25, 2010

Bodyweight Workout

Bodyweight Workout today:

1) 1-Leg Hop (3x5)
2) Pushup (125 reps in as few sets as possible with 1 minute rest between sets)
3A) 1-Leg DL (3x12)
3B) 1-Leg Stability Ball Leg Curl (3x12)
4A) Sternum Pullup (3x8)
4B) 1-Leg Bench Squat (3x10)
5A) Stability Ball Glute Ham Raise (2x10)
5B) Side Plank with Leg Raise (2x8)
5C) Stability Ball Jackknife (2x20)

Interesting. Lasted about 33 minutes.

Today's resource:

3 worst ab exercises AND the 5 TT for Abs DVD winners



Today's kick-butt mindset tip:

"Schedule your workouts and diet first. Don't succumb to other people's plans. If you don't have a plan for success, you are at the mercy of other people's plans. YOU are the BOSS of your own life...don't let anyone else make the important decisions for you."

I actually came up with that myself,


PS - One more quote...

...this one from this month's Entrepreneur magazine:

"There are no entitlements in life. In reality, it's self determination and self reliance as the fundamental truths at the base of individual achievement."
- Jess Jackson, founder of Kendall-Jackson Wineries

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous10:38 AM

    "self-reliance"...."self determination"....but, don't lose sight of leaning on God!! He never fails!
