Sunday, February 14, 2010

Ballantyne's Day Weekend Update

Happy Ballantyne's Day everyone.

I started the day by taking 2 old friends through the final phases of the TT Big 6 Circuit. It's now finished and will be filmed tomorrow night and will be 
one of the Turbulence Training workouts of the month for March (it will include beginner and advanced versions). Fun and fast.

Breakfast today was 3 scrambled eggs (organic free range) plus 2 pieces of toast plus blender drink (berries, banana, spi...nach, almond milk, cashew butter), an apple, and some pineapple.

After I worked on some cool resources:

In the spirit of the Winter Olympics, I created a new Bootcamp Workout

=> Winter Olympics Bootcamp Workout

In response to the massive meat recall in California, I added this to the veggie blog:

=> Black Bean Vegetarian Burger Recipe

And my friend Kardena posted this interesting video...I've yet to try this...but here is:

=> How to Make Almond Milk

And to kick off your week, here's some great info on social support:

The #1 unknown factor for success in fat loss is "Social Support". This means that you need to have friends, family, and co-workers supporting your fat loss efforts. Even "internet friends", weight loss websites, and fat loss forums are proven to help. With social support, you'll finally have the missing piece of the puzzle in your fat loss program.

Stay strong and have a Gold Medal week,

Craig Ballantyne, CSCS, MS 

1 comment:

  1. I agree with you Craig,

    it is so much easier to get to your goals, whether they are fat loss or anything else, if you've hot help and support. Having that encouragement makes a difference.
