Saturday, January 09, 2010

Milk and Fat Loss

I reviewed a very interesting study in this week's 7-day fat loss guide...
...about what happens when women lift weights and drink a liter of milk per day.
You'll be very surprised at the results.
You'll also get to see the new "cartoon" picture of me and Bally. But you have to go to the blog to see it...
You'll also learn...
- How to set process goals
- The color of Bally's dog collar
- 3 advanced 15-minute circuit workouts
- My favorite type of intervals
- The workout I'll be teaching in Tampa next Saturday
- And the one thing I want you to buy in bulk this week
Stay strong and never quit,
Craig Ballantyne, CSCS, MS
PS - And don't forget, your last day... enter for 12 weeks in the TT Transformation Contest is this Friday, January 15th.
You could win up to $1000 just for losing belly fat.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Craig ... as usual, great stuff! Question for you about the post workout drink ... what about chubby guys like me who are trying to add muscle but burn fat as well. Should I be drinking chocolate milk after my turbulence training workout, or can I rely on my own blubber to nourish my muscles after one of your workouts? In other words, is the chocolate milk too many calories for me, given that I'm a 42 year old slightly over weight dude. Thanks man!!
