Friday, January 08, 2010

Great Friday Afternoon Workout

Here's how you do Friday afternoons right...

Workout: jumps, squats, x-body mountain climbers, reverse lunges, 1-arm db shoulder press, ball plank, RDL's, dumbbell chops, ball jackknives, side plank, and finished with double-burpees.

For double burpees, do two pushups and two jumps, not just one. So down, out, pushup, pushup, in, jump, jump.

After workout: Chocolate milk, an almond butter & apple butter sandwich on flax bread, and more berry blender drink.

Today's berry blender drink: blueberries, strawberries, raspberries, 1 banana, cashew butter, almond milk, walnuts, Sun Warrior protein, cacao nibs. Probably one of the best tasting drink I've made, although you can still taste the "Chalk-i-ness" of the protein. Had with almond butter sandwich and an apple for breakfast.

Bally's bone of the day - "A Darford Mega Breathbuster". Includes funny-lookingcrossed out image of dog with bad breath on label.

Resource of the day - John Alvino shows you how to overcome fat loss challenges (powerful stuff)

=> Overcoming Fat Loss Challenges


Craig Ballantyne, CSCS, MS

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