Monday, December 21, 2009

Super Bowl and Workout

Just booked my flight and ticket for the Super Bowl in Miami - will also be first time seeing The Who in concert. Would be nice to see Dallas or New Orleans vs. Indy or New England or San Diego. 

Today's workout:

1) Hang Cleans

2A) Close-grip Bench Press
2B) Barbell Row

3A) DB incline
3B) Rope Row

Changing my program up next week.

Resource of the day...check out Super Joe Mario's (Joel Marion's) blog post on the 49 things he learned in 2009:

=> Joel Marion's Insights

I like this point:

"25. Taste buds change. I used to hate salad and seafood; now I can't get enough of either. Try revisiting foods you once wrote off-you may be surprised."

I like that one because I didn't eat salad until I was 25, asparagus until I was 29, spinach until I was 30, or Avocado until I was 32. And I'm still trying new stuff.

So no matter how old you are, don't stop trying to become a healthier eater.

If I can do it, YOU can too.

Craig Ballantyne, CSCS, MS

PS - I also posted a new bootcamp article for trainers...

...on 5 things you should do between now and New Year's to get ready for 2010.

=> Fitness Bootcamp Workout Tips

This will help you help more clients get maximum results in minimum time.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous9:37 AM

    Everyone, as we think about eating perfectly and having the right amount of protein, carbs, fruits and veggies, and as we get ready to sit down to a tree full of presents, at this time of year (and hopefully more often than that) let's remember there are plenty of people who would love to just have a meal... period. The next time I get too worked up over not having enough peanut butter or almonds for one of my snacks, I'm going to make sure I'm thankful I even have choices to make when it comes to food. We need to remember we've got a lot to be thankful for!
    Keep up the good work, Craig, and Merry Christmas.
