Monday, November 30, 2009

TT 2010 Workout

Went through Workout A from TT 2K10 with a friend today, and it finished up with a different spin on using Kettlebells for intervals. That workout will be out right after Christmas.

Got home and made today's blender drink:

1 banana, raspberries, cashew butter, walnuts, almond milk, cacao nibs, and Vanilla Chai Vega Whole Food powder. I was surprised you could still taste the chai after all that. I actually dislike chai. It's lame. But I wanted to try this stuff out.

I think also got the chocolate flavor, so I'll try that tomorrow.

And here's today's Kekich Credo...#36:

"Religiously nourish your body with proper nutrition, exercise, recreation, sleep and relaxation techniques."

Simple, yet effective. Throw in social support and you have all the tools you need to succeed.


PS - Don't miss part 5 of Tony Horton's interview featuring...

7 Powerful words for healthy eating

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