Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Tony Horton P90X Interview

After an early dog walk, I did this 25 minute workout:

Kettlebell swings and pushup circuit, then outside for sprints+mountain climber circuit. All with my trainer, Ballythedog. Perfect fall weather.

Some of this was inspired by my interview with Tony Horton yesterday. And I've put the Tony Horton interview up on my blog...(pass it on)...you'll discover his favorite workouts, his thoughts on intervals, cardio, and yoga, even 3 powerful business lesson for personal trainers

=> Tony Horton P90X Interview

Download that to your Ipod for your workouts or drive to work. Very inspiring.

And as I mentioned earlier, I love this time of year (the weather is great for training outside), but I hate to see how many people get stressed out by holiday eating and the fear of gaining fat.

But I have good news...

For the next 3 days Body Transformation Grand Champion Joel Marion is giving away his brand new "Holiday Fat Loss Black Book" report to help you keep off the pounds.

In fact, when you check out this free holiday nutrition guide it will help you lose 10-15 pounds over the next 6 weeks - BEFORE New Year's Eve.

So get your copy here today:

=> http://www.HolidayFatLossDiet.com

And if you want to see what I ate on my travel weekend while doing the vegan diet experiment, check it out here (I made one mistake)

=> Vegan Diet

Say goodbye to holiday belly fat,

Craig Ballantyne, CSCS, MS

PS - Always surround yourself with people who want to see you succeed - Gurbaksh Chahal

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