Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Nutrition Challenge

Just did a short interval training workout outside in the fresh fall air. having a bowl of dorset cereals "nutty muesli" with almond milk. Big TT filming session tonight - putting together the December workout of the month - a 15-minute workout program (beginner and advanced versions).

Earlier today I had a big salad: spinach, onion, orange and green peppers, broccoli, salsa, tomato, avocado and kidney beans.

Sad statistic: My dog eats more fruits and vegetables each day than the average person - "The average American eats one and one-half servings of vegetables and one serving of fruit per day."

(And they count ketchup as a vegetable!)

So don't be another statistic.

Bally the Dog just ate some peppers, avocado, and broccoli from my salad, and then we shared an apple. He also had 1/5 of a banana and some blueberries today.

So get started on making improvements in your nutrition today. Every day add another 1/2 serving of fruits or vegetables until you are getting at least 5 total. But you can do even better than that...work your way up to 10.

But don't forget to celebrate your successes.

You must set goals (outcome and process), and upon reaching them, reward your performance. Do not reward yourself unless you reach your goal. You have to be tough on yourself. It is not easy to succeed. (An outcome goal is a result, such as losing 5 pounds. A process goal is action oriented, such as committing to working out 3x's per week.)

Do the best you can and you will succeed,


1 comment:

  1. Anonymous10:51 AM

    Craig, how big is a serving?

