Friday, November 20, 2009

Bodyweight Workout & Simple Nutrition Tip

Had dinner with a good buddy of mine last night and he said, like most people, that he was getting way off track with his nutrition on the weekend... make sure you plan ahead to have the right food available for meal times, plan out your "cheat/reward" meals, and remember this:

The harsh TRUTH is...

"If its in your house, you're going to eat it."

So get rid of the junk, and don't let it get there in the first place!

Here are a couple of meals I had today...

Breakfast blender drink: lots of raspberries, blueberries, spinach, 1 banana, almonds, almond milk, almond butter, sunflower seeds, cacao nibs

Early lunch salad: spinach, black beans, 1/2 avocado, broccoli, peppers (red, green, orange), onion, salsa.

Then I had my bodyweight workout - a circuit of basic exercises in perfect order for a combo of conditioning and perhaps even muscle building. Workout C in the new Bodyweight Bodybuilding coming out in December for TT Platinum Members. Will also be releasing TT 15-Minute Express workouts for all members...maybe even in time for Turkey Day.

And a real great quote from a TT Facebook Friend:

" I hit 3 personal bests this morning - thanks for posting about trying for PB's during every workout. Thank you for all you do and know that it makes a difference for me!" Jen Russell

Make sure to hit a personal best in each of your workouts,

Craig Ballantyne, CSCS, MS
Author, Turbulence Training

PS - Here's a great line from my buddy Jay Ferruggia...

When you do what you love and live according to your own rules Fridays should be no more exciting than Mondays. Every day's a great one.

PPS - Here's the latest fat burning coaching call...

...where you'll learn abou the TT Abs workout, more fat loss research (about money), and grasshopper pushups here:

=> Abdominal Exercises & Fat Loss Tips

Have a great weekend!

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