Monday, October 19, 2009

The Unbeatable Man

Well, it was a bit of an uneventful trip to Vegas on the weekend - with the exception of "The Unbeatable Man". 

After seeing a guy from Metallica at my hotel in Miami, and then seeing Chuck Lidell in the San Antonio airport last weekend, I
figured I would see someone famous in Las Vegas.

But nope, nothing doing.

Instead, it was low-key, and I was up early each morning doing bodyweight exercises in my hotel room.

Lots of mobility work for my hips and stretching, along with pushups and plank exercises for my upper body and abs. Great way to start the day, even when you're in Vegas.

But despite me not running into any celebrities along the way, I did "meet" the Unbeatable Man on the flight to Vegas.

The Unbeatable Man is a book written by my friend and bodyweight exercise innovator Matt Furey.


To be honest, I wasn't sure what to expect from the book when I ordered, but being a reader of Matt's emails for years, I knew it would be good.

And it turned out the book was absolutely NOTHING like I expected (including the ending which wasn't one of those Disney storybook endings).

If you're struggling with anything in life these days, I highly recommend you get this book.


This book is a real "pump up" book and will get you fired up to train hard.

I'm using it for motivation as I start a new high-volume strength training program designed by my buddy, Vince Del Monte.

More on that workout soon,

Craig Ballantyne, CSCS, MS
Author, Turbulence Training  


  1. Craig...did you drink in Vegas? What is your opinion about alcohol in moderation? Can it still be part of a healthy lifestyle? Do you partake at all?

  2. Hi Aaron, I wrote about it here

  3. it's a great post , specially the sense behind the text... you know what I mean, all about the issue approach and the lucky about the Metallica element in the hotel... that was lucky, anyway, I've been linking in your recommendation... very nice website, thanks for this useful advise.
