Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Squat Workout & TT Complete Package

The response to the Turbulence Training Complete Package Fat Loss DVD blog contest has been overwhelming. In less than 16 hours we've had over 379 entries, and it's going to be tough to pick out the winners, but I'm really looking forward to going over them tomorrow night.

It's going to be very inspiring, and I want to thank you for sharing your entry.

In the meantime, today was another good workout.

1) Jumps 4x6

2) Overhead Squat - 3x5

3A) Squat - 3x5, 1x10
3B) Chin-up with Knee-up - 3x12

4A) DB Triceps Extension
4B) Cable Abs

I'll go back in the gym on Thursday and then I fly to Vegas for a quick 60 hour trip on Thursday night.


PS - Want some new "No crunch" ab exercises?

Then check out what you can do with a kettlebell...

=> Kettlebell Ab Exercises

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