Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Hittin' the pool in Tampa

Started the day with an hour walk around and muggy down here. Bally the Dog would need a lot of water breaks...this doesn't seem like a good place for him.

After lunch I did a modified No-Nonsense Meatheads workout in a condominium gym equipped with a double cable stack and dumbbells up to 50 pounds.

1A) Pullups
1B) DB Bulgarian Split Squat

2A) 1-Arm Cable Row
2B) 1-Arm Standing DB Shoulder Press

3A) DB Curls 
3B) Lying DB Triceps Extension
3C) DB Rear Deltoid Raise
3D) Cable Abs

Then I hit the pool. Perfect weather for that...maybe B the D would like it down here,


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