Thursday, October 15, 2009

Deadlift Workout and Off to Vegas

I'm on a roll with seeing famous people on my little trips...

In Miami - I saw a guy from Metallica at the hotel pool
In San Antonio - Chuck "The Iceman" Lidell sat across from me in the airport
And this weekend in Vegas...What famous person will I run into?

Does Vince Del Monte count?

I'm heading out to Vegas tonight to meet up with Vince, Bedros Keuilian, and Chris McCombs among other people...only going till Saturday night though, since I want to be back to chill out on Sunday.

Got in a great workout before I left...

1) Deadlift

2A) Military Press
2B) Pullups

3A) Overhead Barbell Lunge
3B) Plank
3C) Side Plank

Back with a new workout on Monday,

Craig Ballantyne, CSCS, MS

PS - I just posted a new TT Meathead workout program...

...on the TT Facebook Fan Page.

Click here to become a fan of Turbulence Training

1 comment:

  1. Hey Craig

    Hope you had a great Thanksgiving. Great simple workout today. Looking forward to picking your brains on Monday!

