Tuesday, September 29, 2009

TT Success Story of the Month - September 2009

I love it when a plan comes together. And when a Turbulence Training skeptic changes their mind...here's the September 2009 Turbulence Training Success Story of the Month - Janine has won a 1-Year Platinum TT Membership. And you can win one too, just submit your success story to:

INFO (AT) TurbulenceTraining.com

Now let's hear from Janine and her experience getting hooked on TT with "TT for Buff Dudes and Hot Chicks"

"I would like to thank you for creating this workout! It was the first workout I got from your website and WOW, I was so impressed that since then I got several more.

The TT Buff-Dudes and Hot Chicks Fat Loss Workout's title is synonymous with the results.

I recently got married and trained really hard for 4 months prior to the wedding as I wanted to look fit and fab but two months after the wedding I had lost all motivation and regressed into my old ways of swapping exercise for the TV remote, THEN I found you on facebook and started reading up about your workouts, watched your clips on youtube and finally got the TT Buff-Dudes and Hot Chicks workout.

I must admit that I was a little bit sceptical at first as I am with all fitness websites and workouts but that scepticism quickly disappeared by week two. I got my motivation back and my passion for fitness has grown with each day - I no longer push my gym bag further under the bed but instead I pack it and get it ready for the next day the minute I get home and seeing my toned and fit body as a result is a big confidence booster.

The best thing about this workout is that you don't need a fancy or expensive gym and your facebook page and website is a reality check for the days when I think I am too busy to workout.

I completed 4 weeks on this workout and am now on week 2 of my second workout from your website. I am so excited about your programs and introduced two friends to them who are both hooked.

You are an inspiration to us all! Thank you again."

Great stuff, congrats Janine.

Click here to get your copy of TT for Buff Dudes and Hot Chicks - for less than 10 bucks

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous8:00 PM

    Thank you for the article! Good luck!




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