Tuesday, September 08, 2009

The Rest of Your Life Starts Today

It starts today.

The rest of your life.

"Cheesy", I know, but if I can inspire anyone to make changes, I'm willing to put up with a few groans from everyone else.

If you want to transform your body or your life, focus on making incremental improvements every day for the rest of the year.

It will help you stay strong during the holiday season and you'll be off to the races in January.

As Kekich Credo #56 says...

"Identify EXACTLY what is you want. Then don't let anything stand in your way of getting it."

Labor Day - here in North America - marks the start of another chance to refocus your energy and efforts on achieving the goals you've set.

Take a few minutes today to plan for your success in the next 4 months. But most importantly, commit to taking action EVERYDAY.

And if you need to a little "extra kick" for your workouts or for the sessions of your personal training clients, consider putting
some competition and challenge into your workouts. This will drive you to stay motivated and succeed.

You can choose from the 300 workout to the Bodyweight 500 to the new TT Kettlebell and Bodyweight Circuits - all great challenges.

All of these programs will help you get more results in less time - no matter how busy the next 4 months get.

So if you're looking for "Challenge Workouts", you'll find them in the *NEW* TT Kettlebell Revolution Workout System.

The TT Kettlebell Revolution System is now available, and you'll save 50% off  the regular price when you grab your copy today.
=> Click here to get your Kettlebell Workouts

NOTE: The price goes up from $47 to $97 on Friday night.

Let the Kettlebell Revolution begin,

Craig Ballantyne, MS, CSCS
Author, Turbulence Training


  1. Hi Craig

    I agree that with the summer holidays over here in the UK that people are getting back into the gym. Although a new phenomenon here in the UK, kettlebells are proving to be really popular and I am sure that your new program will "kick but!"

  2. Anonymous4:23 PM

    Craig I cannot seem to find the link to get the new Kettlebell system for $47.00. i was going to pick it up before the price goes up...any thouhgts?
