Friday, September 11, 2009

Last week to join the Transformation

In this week's call I have a program for you that you've probably never even heard of...
You'll discover...
- The best time to get stuff done
- Why you should soak nuts and seeds before eating them
- The truth about post-workout nutrition shakes (and all that sugar)
- One of my favorite workouts you've never used before
- An important Transformation Contest update
This week's 3-day program is perfect for advanced body transformations,
Craig Ballantyne, CSCS, MS
PS - Don't forget about the free 6-month TT membership...
...that you'll get just by finishing the contest
Last day to start your 12 week transformation is Friday, September 18th.


  1. Can you do any of the TT workouts for the contest or do you have to do a particular one?
