Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Back to Toronto Workout

Spent the last couple of days near Washington, DC, and just did some moving around and some today was first day back in the gym.

Earlier today I wrote an article on 5 fat loss tips that don't require any pills or powders...

=> Fat Loss Tips

Then hit todays workout:


1A) Run in Place – 20 steps
1B) Duck Unders – 6 reps per side
1C) Step Overs – 6 reps per side
1D) Leg Swings – 20 reps per side
1E) Pulling Pushup – 8 reps
1F) Prisoner Lunge – 8 reps per side

2) Jumps

3) Snatches plus overhead squat

4A) Squat
4B) Chinups with knee ups


PS - Check this out...

7 days till this happens...give it a try for just one day - or a month - its not that hard

=> Vegetarian Day

Off to film TT Fusion 2K9 tonight...


  1. I really do like the warm up ideas as they transfer really well into group exercise.

    I will try the vegetarian thing, but I am a man that loves me chicken!!

  2. I think having a vegetarian or a super healthy day once in a while is absolutely fabulous. By the way, a very nice plan. If I only had enough will for doing the same. Oh well.

