Saturday, August 08, 2009

Workout of the Week

I'm off to Europe this week - Paris, Amsterdam, & Brussels - and I'll be doing a lot of bodyweight training... I figured I'd share one of my favorite 30-minute bootcamp workouts with you
You'll discover...
- Details on the 6th Turbulence Training Transformation Contest
- How to get enough calcium and iron with two simple foods on a veggie diet
- My European Holiday workout video plans
- A fun 30-minute bodyweight workout with a tough ab exercise circuit
- The TT August Bodyweight Push-up & Chin-up Challenge
- A 3-minute arms workout
- The most important foods to buy organic
Hope to see you in the 6th TT Transformation Contest,
Craig Ballantyne, CSCS, MS
Author, Turbulence Training
 PS - If you liked that bootcamp workout...
...I have 20 more for you here:

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