Monday, August 24, 2009

New Program, Muscle Soreness

Oh boy, I was sore from Friday's squat workout, even though I cut the weight and volume. Nine days off from real leg workouts will do that to you. So I was moving gently this weekend.

To overcome the soreness, I did a lot of light activity, and today I felt a lot better. I'd probably still be sore if I just sat around all weekend. Sore muscles need to move. Not "worked out", but moved. It helps.

Alright, so today I did...

1) Power Clean - 3x5

2A) Bench Press - 3x8
2B) Front Squat - 2x6

3A) Pullups - 3x10
3B) Neutral Grip DB Chest Press - 3x8
3C) Leg Curls - 3x12

That was good workout. Total body. A little weak after the 9 day break from lifting.

After workout lunch: Chili with wild rice, 2 cups chocolate almond milk (sweetened)

Filming a kettlebell workout's one for today:

=> Kettlebell bodyweight circuit


Craig Ballantyne, CSCS, MS

PS - 3 Things You MUST do this week for fat loss motivation and inspiration...

=> Body Transformation Fat Loss Motivation

PPS - Finished "Catcher in the Rye" last night. I think I liked it.

Read "Clockwork Orange" and "Grapes of Wrath" on planes to/from Europe. Disliked both of them. Next is either "Emergency" by Neil Straus, or "Mr. America" by Mark Adams. You choose for me. Thanks!


  1. i like with the workout but how can you not like A Clockwork Orange.

  2. Colin4:51 PM


    I just got done reading Emergency, and it's not bad at all. I don't know if you read Strauss' book about the world of pick-up artists, but the guy is a very gifted writer with a talent for completely immersing himself in whatever he writes about. It was a very enlightening read.
