Friday, August 14, 2009

More Europe Workout Updates

Coming to you today from Paris, France. Over here for a week going from Paris to Amsterdam and then to Brussels.

Got in Wednesday morning and proceeded to walk the city up and down, hitting the Champ d'Elysees and the Arc de Triomphe.

Plus, I filmed Turbulence Training workout videos in front of the Bastille, Notre Dame, and the Louvre. Yep, interval training in front of the world's most famous museum.

Then walked another 13 miles around the city on Thursday and filmed supersets in front of the Eiffel Tower and several other amazing backdrops.

And all this time I was posting little teasers on Facebook, getting TT users hyped up for this new workout that will be available - only to them - in September.

I even filmed 4 handstand pushups in front of Le Centre George Pompidou, a museum of modern art. Classic.

Late last night went to Sacre Couer at Montmartre. Possibly the highlight of the trip. Good times. Off to Amsterdam tomorrow.

For more updates, join me on Facebook here.


  1. Hey I can only dream to do this someday. It must be a great feeling to workout amongst such beauty. It can be really motivating with the change of scenery!

  2. Thanks so much for your consistently motivating posts and e-mails.
    I'm not a licensed anything, but I am a fitness enthusiast and have starting a layman's blog to help spread better info-- much of which is inspired by you.
    I'm not looking for a plug, just a check-out.
    Thanks again for everything, Craig!
